Where Am I?

SOME mornings, nature just reminds one of the possibilities when skiing at Mt Hotham.

Whilst having breakfast, the sight of the first rays of sunshine kissing the summit ridge of a favourite local backcountry peak in the distance can be enough to propel one beyond the resort boundary for a bit of soft adventure.

Whilst there are many peaks and ridges worthy of exploration near Mt Hotham, this particular summit is both easy to get to, has awesome terrain, gets loads of snow in a storm but is comparatively rarely visited.

The summit ridge often has a cornice running along its entire length on its southern aspect but may be completely bereft of snow on the sunny north–aspect.

Skiing its spur lines and bowls provides a big mountain feel due to its position high above a river valley.

Anywhere along the summit ridge can be fabulous for a snow picnic but it is best avoided when the wind is blowing hard.

Close to the road, it is still a backcountry mountain with all the requisite risks (and rewards) that entails.

Anyone can visit its summit, but only those with the knowledge, skills and equipment should ski or ride it.

Where am I?

Answer of page 15

Answer is Mt Blowhard.

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