$4m in funding has valley fizzing with new tourism jobs

THE State Government will invest $4.24 million into five projects to attract more visitors and boost local jobs in the King Valley and Milawa.

Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) visited the King Valley on Friday to confirm funding from the Regional Tourism Investment Fund and the Enabling Tourism Fund to allow five local projects to advance construction and planning for new attractions in the region.

Ms Symes said Pizzini Wines will receive $2.2 million towards a new 50 seat restaurant, tasting spaces and a refreshed cooking school.

She said the project will create 36 direct and indirect jobs during construction and 24 direct and indirect jobs once complete.

Darling Estate Wines will receive $170,000 to develop a new cellar door with views across the vineyard to Mount Cobbler allowing the winery to attract visitors year–round.

Using timbers and tin from the estate's heritage shearing shed, the cellar door will reflect the 100–year history of the Darling family in the King Valley.

Brown Brothers in Milawa will receive $1.17 million to enhance its customer experience offering, bringing together the cellar door and restaurant with the broader vineyard.

The redevelopment will allow visitors to see and learn about a working winery.

Mountain View Hotel will receive $380,000 to support detailed design for a new accommodation offering in the King Valley, and Dal Zotto Wines will receive $320,000 to advance planning of its 'Home of Prosecco' project to strengthen the Prosecco Road as an epicurean experience by expanding the current hospitality facilities.

"I'm really proud to help back ideas which not only create jobs, they showcase the region's incredible food and wine and the people behind it," Ms Symes said.

"These projects will be new and exciting reasons for even more people to come and explore what the North East has to offer year–round."